Elephants are known have having long memories. Based on stories I have heard about them from locals, I believe it. My memory is obviously not as good as an elephant's but unfortunately, it's good enough to remember this ride.

This the Elephant Sanctuary in Chiang Mai, Thailand. On my first trip to this country (my first trip to Asia) I ventured to this place to have a personal ride on one of these magnificent beasts. But I was quite ignorant to the whole thing at the time.
Now, the scenery is great and you will get an authentic ride on a pachyderm, but the overall experience leaves a hollow feeling inside. First of all, this is as tourist traps as you can get. This is nothing locals participate in and is catered to those from out of the country.

This may be a sanctuary, but I’m not sure the sanctuary is better than the jungle from which they belong.

The ride itself was cheap enough. For about $15USD you get a one plus hour ride on the back. They put you in a wooden saddle fabricated on the back of the elephant as the Thai driver is sat on the neck of the beast.
It’s a bit odd riding like royalty on top of the animal and one I was not comfortable with. I’m not sure how much weight these beasts can bear on their backs despite their huge size.

My driver was very accommodating to me. Stopping to take pictures of me from time to time. Of course, there is an expectation of a tip at the end so he is as cordial as possible.
But not so kind to the elephant. At times the animal just wanted to stop and pause a minute, but the driver would have nothing to do with it. He would strike him with his rod to get him going again. I really did not appreciate that and told him so. He did stop the practice at my insistence, but it did cause me to wonder just how much abuse these animals endure at the hands of these handlers.

I know I’m here smiling in these pictures, These were just simple cameras smiles that I felt obliged at the time to perform. I really wasn’t all that happy with the ride. But being a first time in this country, I wanted to at least appear that I was having a good time at this event.

I was glad when the whole experience was over. But I left with the sense of sadness, knowing I was leaving these elephants behind to who knows what type of abuse. I’ve seen other areas in Thailand, where they would keep elephants chained up with no room to move for what seems like the whole day just to be on display. It is sickening to watch.
At the end of this trip, after having experience several like things, I actually wrote a poem about it. Maybe I’ll share it with you at the end of these Thailand posts.
I really cannot recommend taking these elephant tours or rides. Although it seemed like a good idea at the time, it is one that will leave you (or at least me) with regret.