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Seoul Food

Writer: Kirk Kirk

I expect Seoul food is good for the soul. But I don't know, I hardly ate any while there. Staying at hotels in the city with club lounge privileges, I took advantage of the free hotel food nearly every day.

I know for many, meals can be the highlites of their day. Especially at home around the dinner table. It is not just meal time, but a social event.

I remember a conversation with a Filipino who told me how big the meal time was there. He talked about how good the Filipino food was (it's not), and how much he loved sitting around with family. I think in poorer nations it is even more so because there is nothing else to do all day. Eating is their highlite!

I try to keep meals to a relatively low key event when traveling. Since I'm alone there is usually no social aspect. But also, I try not to make a big deal of mealtime by going out to dinner because I tend to eat too much, especially if I'm paying for the food, I tend to not take it home nor want it to go to waste, so I eat too much as a result.

But, I will venture out for street food in most countries. I prefer street food to restaurants because:

  1. It is fast

  2. It is prepared before your eyes

  3. When finished I can get up and leave as typically I pay when it's served

  4. I feel no need to tip.

  5. It tastes good

  6. I'm eating where the locals eat

  7. I enjoy the outdoor atmosphere

However, I did not eat street food one time on this trip, even though some of it looked good.

Rain drop cake is a jelly like substance with no calories. It's mostly water. Usually brown sugar or other sweetener is added for taste. Not my kind of food.

This looked good. But 10,000 KWN is too much for me!

Price is right, but, I like my egg a little more cooked.

Chips or French fries? Where's the ketchup?

Octopus? A little too exotic for this country boy.

Sorry, I try not to eat sugar, even in fruit.

Little too cutesy for me. Besides, if I eat desert I don't want it looking like fish.

Now this looks a little more interesting! But my free club lounge food awaits. Can't spoil my appetite.

Egg bread for a U.S. buck? I should have tried this one.

That gives you an idea of Korean street food. I have to say it doesn't rival the best street food in the world in my opinion. That honor belongs to Thailand. There's no close second. I really had no issue walking past these food kiosks without indulging. Really not my taste for the most part.

But food is a peculiar thing. People like what they're brought up on. I know from my experience in the Philippines, they love their food. Chicken adobo anyone? But, for me, the Phils had the worse food in Asia. To each their own!

A couple short clips if interested:


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Roger Wells
Roger Wells
Nov 11, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

All this food looks delicious. I would have had a hard time passing up any of that food. I am talking about the Soul food not the sweets. 👍

Nov 11, 2023
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Even the octopus?


Mike Wells
Mike Wells
Nov 09, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

When you were walking through the streets I expected to hear some sort of call out. Eat here food is great . Interesting looking but not being a sugary sweet person I would have not been to interested.

Mike Wells
Mike Wells
Nov 11, 2023
Replying to

I was not sure how there society was and totally understand that you would not have known him.

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